I've just arrived at home after a Design Technology workshop, today (Saturday, October 31th 2009)
I learned how to use the used materials and waste, and I designed a toy, in particular. I met new people, they were Lee Soo Kyung and Dong Kyung. They go to Jakarta International Korean School.
As you know, Koreans. They look good. And very fancy when it comes to their gadget. Ahaha.
What Happened neh
18 h left …
Wednesday, June 10th, that was the last day of rehearsal…
(Oh…berakhir sudah latihan yg paling paling paling paling paling EXHASUTING … TERPANJANG…)
The due date just only at “HOUR COUNT”
Around 18 hour left to my great performances, (the Performance due date is on June 11th 2009)
But 7 hour again on that time, I must wake up, be ready for the sentimental day, tomorrow also the CLASS PARTY! Farewell party to my 7Cs friends…
7 h left …
I’m celebrated our class’s togetherness with food, hot chocolate, watching movie, plus 16 degrees Celsius temperature sated, because the theme of the class party is WINTER IN CAIRO !!!!!! 7C... 7C, C from CAIRO ...
Then until 10 am, me and my friends who participated in this production (especially my classmates: Ivan, Karina, Iva, Khansa, Katy, and Tashia) went to the MPH* for preparation,
I have a hesitation about my costume, that’s on my pants,
Ms. Myrna, our director in this production said that the color of my pants (I wore jeans on that time) wasn’t black anyway. But in my home, the color is black, so I went home again, then I changed my jeans, and shorter, just only ¾ (7/8) . . .
Finally, that’s all fine …
Make-up, costumes, just only my blue “sparkling” vest which rented by school.
*MPH: Multi-purpose hall-the place where the GLIMPSE OF BROADWAY will perform…
Date: June 11th 2009
Place: Multi-purpose hall (some says: Multi-function hall/ MPH..whatever)
Time: 14.00 and 18.00 (2 times show!!! God!! Screw me!!!)
deg2an banget ...
Date: June 11th 2009
Place: Multi-purpose hall (some says: Multi-function hall/ MPH..whatever)
Time: 14.00 and 18.00 (2 times show!!! God!! Screw me!!!)
deg2an banget ...
Penontonnya banyak …
To be continued….
Even the day had been past for so long ….
Season of Love
525,600 minutes, 525,000 moments so dear.
525,600 minutes - how do you measure, measure a year?
In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights, in cups of coffee.
In inches, in miles, in laughter, in strife.
In 525,600 minutes - how do you measure a year in the life?
How about love? How about love? How about love? Measure in love.
Seasons of love.
525,600 minutes! 525,000 journeys to plan.
525,600 minutes - how can you measure the life of a woman or man?
In truths that she learned, or in times that he cried.
In bridges he burned, or the way that she died.
It's time now to sing out,
tho the story never ends let's celebrate remember a year in the life of friends.
Remember the love!
Remember the love! Remember the love!
Measure in love.
Seasons of love! Seasons of love.
Thank You For The Music
I'm nothing special, in fact I'm a bit of a bore
If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before
But I have a talent, a wonderful thing
cause everyone listens when I start to sing
I'm so grateful and proud
All I want is to sing it out loud
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk
She says I began to sing long before I could talk
And Ive often wondered, how did it all start?
Who found out that nothing can capture a heart
Like a melody can?
Well, whoever it was, Im a fan
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Ive been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance!
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
If I tell a joke, you've probably heard it before
But I have a talent, a wonderful thing
cause everyone listens when I start to sing
I'm so grateful and proud
All I want is to sing it out loud
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Mother says I was a dancer before I could walk
She says I began to sing long before I could talk
And Ive often wondered, how did it all start?
Who found out that nothing can capture a heart
Like a melody can?
Well, whoever it was, Im a fan
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Ive been so lucky, I am the girl with golden hair
I wanna sing it out to everybody
What a joy, what a life, what a chance!
So I say
Thank you for the music, the songs Im singing
Thanks for all the joy theyre bringing
Who can live without it, I ask in all honesty
What would life be?
Without a song or a dance what are we?
So I say thank you for the music
For giving it to me
Field Trip to Taman Safari
Field trip ke Taman Safari,
ke taman safari, ga liat2 binatangnya, tapi tracking + hiking.
Lg hiking, disuruh observe lima daun, di foto deh daunnya.
Slama perjalanan, SEPATU GW BERLUMPUR! Becek, untung ga hujan, jalanannyakecil, 3 jengkal gw kali, untung kagak ada yang sempi2 tin....
Lg jalan, ngeliat macem2 taneman, ada Talas, Fulus, Bambu-kuning, Talas, kayu-putih, dan lain2.
Pkoknya, field trip sekarang ini kita harus :
1. Membuat dichotomous key of those five-type of leaf (ttg Classificaton nih-Biology)
2. Memperbaiki peta Taman-safari agar bisa mudah dimengerti oleh para pengunjung.
(ttg Peta-gepgraphy)
Habis ngerjain worksheet, makan, istirahat, OutBond deh.
Outbondnya, NGANTRI dulu.
Si Hosiana, (anak kelas 7A) anak pertama yang nyelesain outbond completly.
But, something crazy happened to my friends (sekelas),
waktu Gino & Andy main2 di rintangan outbond yang lain, mereka bercanda, and then, nyebur ke kolam deh.
Ga tau sengaja ato nggak, tapi yang pasti Ivan, Marco, Kiky, Raihan, Abi, Mervin, Dany, Jessica, Karina, Khansa, Fathan, Katy, Tashia, Janice, Iva, Kevin, Patrice (that's all my same-class friends), murid2 dari kelas lain dan sebagian besar guru (termasuk Ms. Inun) juga ikut. Mulai dari Ms.Yurike, Ms. Dias, Ms. Maya, Ms.Tia, Mr. Lukman, sampe Mr. Sidik pun juga.....
Emang yah, ang harusnya outbond jadi .... yah lw tau kan....
Tapi gw ga bakal nyebur, pertama,
1. Masalah kuping gw,
2. Airnya dingin, (takut pilek),
3. Airnya agak... (kotor gitu),
4. Gw pengen outbond,
5. Gw masih pengen sehat, ga mw sakit dulu karena dua hari setelahnya (Kamis) gw ada Innovation Day, gw ikut lomba Bulletin-board display, habis itu, gw ada rereat agama Buddha di puncak,
What a very tiring week it will be.
Akhirnya gw outbond, ngeri, ngeri, ngeri, and ngeri banget pas rintangan pertama.
Lalu akhirnya gw naik FLYING-FOX. Ya. Flying fox.
Senangnya .....
Yang nyebur ke kolam, pada ganti baju,
Yang ga nyebur, kepanasan dan capek.
Hmmmmm, yang gw liat outbond paling Andy, Gino, Chloe, Karina, Andrea sama gw, rugi tuh kayaknya. (bayarnya rugi)
pulangnya, jalan lagi. Ivan malahan kepleset.
Tapi, SURPRISE!!!!
Ada mobil safari (kayak bus gitu) yang akan mengantar kita ke tempat parkir bus kita.
Yg gw ikut satu bus ada Ms.Maya, Ms.Inun, Ms. Tia, Dany, Ivan, Khansa, Jessica, Katy, Kevin, Abi, Patrice, dan yang lainnya gw lupa. Seseorang membeikan kami informasi tentang "WHAT'SNEW IN TAMAN SAFARI", dan katanya nanti akan ada Waterboom,
"WAUW..." begitulah kata yang terlontakhkhkhkhannnnnn oleh kami satu bis kepada setiap akhir kalimat yang diuchapkhkhkhkhannnn oleh sang pemandu kami di daam bis tersebhuuutttttt.
Etapi saya, sebagai writer Binus Buzz amatir (super amatir berbekal grammer english level cetek) diminta untuk menulis artikel tentang field trip ini.
ke taman safari, ga liat2 binatangnya, tapi tracking + hiking.
Lg hiking, disuruh observe lima daun, di foto deh daunnya.
Slama perjalanan, SEPATU GW BERLUMPUR! Becek, untung ga hujan, jalanannyakecil, 3 jengkal gw kali, untung kagak ada yang sempi2 tin....
Lg jalan, ngeliat macem2 taneman, ada Talas, Fulus, Bambu-kuning, Talas, kayu-putih, dan lain2.
Pkoknya, field trip sekarang ini kita harus :
1. Membuat dichotomous key of those five-type of leaf (ttg Classificaton nih-Biology)
2. Memperbaiki peta Taman-safari agar bisa mudah dimengerti oleh para pengunjung.
(ttg Peta-gepgraphy)
Habis ngerjain worksheet, makan, istirahat, OutBond deh.
Outbondnya, NGANTRI dulu.
Si Hosiana, (anak kelas 7A) anak pertama yang nyelesain outbond completly.
But, something crazy happened to my friends (sekelas),
waktu Gino & Andy main2 di rintangan outbond yang lain, mereka bercanda, and then, nyebur ke kolam deh.
Ga tau sengaja ato nggak, tapi yang pasti Ivan, Marco, Kiky, Raihan, Abi, Mervin, Dany, Jessica, Karina, Khansa, Fathan, Katy, Tashia, Janice, Iva, Kevin, Patrice (that's all my same-class friends), murid2 dari kelas lain dan sebagian besar guru (termasuk Ms. Inun) juga ikut. Mulai dari Ms.Yurike, Ms. Dias, Ms. Maya, Ms.Tia, Mr. Lukman, sampe Mr. Sidik pun juga.....
Emang yah, ang harusnya outbond jadi .... yah lw tau kan....
Tapi gw ga bakal nyebur, pertama,
1. Masalah kuping gw,
2. Airnya dingin, (takut pilek),
3. Airnya agak... (kotor gitu),
4. Gw pengen outbond,
5. Gw masih pengen sehat, ga mw sakit dulu karena dua hari setelahnya (Kamis) gw ada Innovation Day, gw ikut lomba Bulletin-board display, habis itu, gw ada rereat agama Buddha di puncak,
What a very tiring week it will be.
Akhirnya gw outbond, ngeri, ngeri, ngeri, and ngeri banget pas rintangan pertama.
Lalu akhirnya gw naik FLYING-FOX. Ya. Flying fox.
Senangnya .....
Yang nyebur ke kolam, pada ganti baju,
Yang ga nyebur, kepanasan dan capek.
Hmmmmm, yang gw liat outbond paling Andy, Gino, Chloe, Karina, Andrea sama gw, rugi tuh kayaknya. (bayarnya rugi)
pulangnya, jalan lagi. Ivan malahan kepleset.
Tapi, SURPRISE!!!!
Ada mobil safari (kayak bus gitu) yang akan mengantar kita ke tempat parkir bus kita.
Yg gw ikut satu bus ada Ms.Maya, Ms.Inun, Ms. Tia, Dany, Ivan, Khansa, Jessica, Katy, Kevin, Abi, Patrice, dan yang lainnya gw lupa. Seseorang membeikan kami informasi tentang "WHAT'SNEW IN TAMAN SAFARI", dan katanya nanti akan ada Waterboom,
"WAUW..." begitulah kata yang terlontakhkhkhkhannnnnn oleh kami satu bis kepada setiap akhir kalimat yang diuchapkhkhkhkhannnn oleh sang pemandu kami di daam bis tersebhuuutttttt.
Etapi saya, sebagai writer Binus Buzz amatir (super amatir berbekal grammer english level cetek) diminta untuk menulis artikel tentang field trip ini.
Post-ABRSM Music Theory Feelings
AKHIRNYA ABRSM ROYAL THEORY EXAM selesai ...............
Hampir 1 jam di ruang ujian ,
Akhirnya selesai juga,,
AKHIRNYA ABRSM ROYAL THEORY EXAM selesai ...............
Hampir 1 jam di ruang ujian ,
Akhirnya selesai juga,,
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