Ellen's Hilarious 'Harry Potter' Cameo!

American Idol 2011 Top 7 - Haley Reinhart (Rolling In The Deep)

Another my favorite performance on American Idol.
I'm still wishing for Pia on American Idol again actually,

Born This Way - Classical Cover by Aston Music

Selamat Hari Kartini, Perempuan Indonesia!

Hampir setiap tahun, kita berkumpul di lapangan upacara, ditemani guru-guru dan teman-teman yang memakai baju daerah atau batik, merayakan Hari Kartini. I really miss that times. Walaupun cuma bisa nangkring di bawah panggung nontonin fashion show dan mejeng di kelas karena mungkin guru males ngajar gara-gara bajunya ribet. Unlike these past few years.

Baru aja siang ini, hari terakhir 9F di ruang Spare Room, HS Building sementara [karena kelas kita digusur untuk UAN SMA (baca: dipindahkan beserta isi-isi, dekorasi kelas dan embel-embelnya)]
Gua dinyolotin sama anak kecil......di kantin..... (apadeh)
Maju sih maju, cuma mau lihat-lihat kebelakang gak?
Cuma bingung aja dengan anak SD zaman sekarang. Itulah alasan kantin jadi tempat terakhir yang gua datengin buat beli makan.
(tapi apa boleh buat, daripada laper, mending ngadepin puluh-puluh anak SD yang kadang nyerobot, nyolot dan berlarian sana-sini yang otomatis khawatir jatah makanan gua jatoh)

I'm comparing the behavior of children in my parents' era, my era and the current era. 
I'm likely to believe that the behavior of children are changing from years to years. Have you been told by your parents that they were so independent when they were younger compared to you as their children? Now it's just another early realization that children in the future might be either better and more independent, or worse and irresponsible.


She was voted off
and the result was irritating for most people who watched American Idol previous nights.

Right 24 hours after the elimination,


Many unsuccessful American Idol contestants in winning the competition, some of them make it through the business and success! Jennifer Hudson and Chris Daughtry are the examples.
I'm sure Pia will make it up and wish all the best for her everyone!
And let them learn from this mistake.
A "Another special save" by the judges could be one thing that I suggest to save the brightest contestant who's endangered to be eliminated.
They can' always depend on the NUMBER OF VOTES.
If American still wants somebody to continue their journey on winning the American Idol, or if the judges disagree and the whole audience yelling "NNNOOOOOO" , so KEEP THEM ON.

This is a video I found on YouTube (Pia sings "The Prayer". Have never seen someone sing this song like her before! She was just amazing as Celine Dion!!)

Pia was voted off and eliminated from American Idol

WTF!!??? America, SERIOUSLY!!??
Pia got the talent, the skill, the look, she has improved.
She is one of the best-est ever on American Idol!!

This was America's biggest mistake and regret, just like Jennifer Hudson.

I hope she'll sign a contract with one label someday.
I really wish.
*finger crossed*

Wish you all the best, @PToscanoAI10 !! 
#bringPiabacktoAmericanIdol !!