Swimming Test

I have swimming test tomorrow, and I hate the fact that I can't really swim. How embarrassing is that. I always wear swimming suit when it is swimming time, but my PE teacher has never really taught me (he always watching the other students who can swim, he is not even watch me nor give me instruction, not even one minutes), so my friends did. And that's not enough, I'm looking for a time to practice, but homeworks and tests are coming non-stop. Sunday? Uh-uh, even though do a practice on Friday and Sunday won't be enough. There's a swimming course in the sport club, not far from my house, but three times a week, and yet, the course starts from 3;30 pm (p.s; The schools time ends at 3;20 pm. If I include 10 minutes of packing, waiting, arrival at home and eat, it takes almost an hour) It's my daily after-school routine, it can't be any slower or faster.
I'm asking my parent to make a letter, stated that
"my belove child can not swim, please permit him to take another kind test..."
Parent of -me-
The tests are going to be;
- how we jump to the pool (I don't know the term used for it)
- free style
- chest style.
Well, I can't really swim, at least I can swim from one place to another place (AND NOTE THIS. THE DISTANCE SHOULD BE LESS THAN 2 METERS. I'M DYING ALRIGHT. unless I practice everyday.)
I'd better run four laps than to swim, which is something that I can't do. 


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