In the previous journal, I listed down the ways of how I spent my days before and after my birthday in Singapore. Those days were really special and I couldn’t ask for a better one (Well, if I could, I would like watch Wicked and meet the cast again). Then this is what happened in Lembang, where I spent the last two days of 2011 with my family, my father’s friends and their family:

~~I could only go out of my room to eat, go somewhere else, take a bath, trying to finish “Extremely Loud, Incredibly Close” as fast as possible and fill in my empty water bottle, for three days (It seemed to be a temporary daily routine, huh?). I didn’t expect myself to be that discreet (baca: salah tingkah), but what could I do? I am officially 16 years old and there’s no way I’m going to fit in among 13 years old below kids like I used to (I feel awkward when being around them). I love kids but not when I have to be around them. Aside from that, when parents can talk with other parents, kids can play around with other kids, meanwhile I solemnly waiting for the end of those moments.
~~~~Aside from that small desperate issue about age and a perhaps major change in my life, I was incredibly glad to feel the fresh air, listening to birds singing in the morning and a life without traffic congestion and crowd (even though it was just for a while). I went to a strawberry farm, I watched the kids milked the cows, got to see a city night and sunrise view…
…but most importantly, fireworks, which is one of my favorite things. New Year’s Eve without fireworks is like thinking of Titanic but not the iceberg, right?
I also got to watch a video of lovely Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt on YouTube. It instantly made my day. What a gold.
(I wish they're a couple, make out, marry, have beautiful babies and live happily ever after)
Last day of the year doesn’t necessarily have to be special in the way of where, how and with whom we celebrate the New Year. Mine, wasn’t really as special as like what I expected in the beginning of 2011. At least I was with my family and I had quality time instead of doing my daily (holiday) routine (which could possibly be the least-wanted activity) haha~
Speaking about New Year, people surely have their own new or updated goals and expectations. So do I. But I’m still working on the details and the language (Well, a word can change the world. It’s a warning). I’ll list down all of them later and I really hope that by the end of 2012, which I hope that the world doesn’t end yet at that time or decades after it, I’ll manage to accomplish all of them *smiles big and fingers-crossed* Wish me luck then!
By the way, have a great year of 2012 ahead! Hope you all enjoy the rest of your holiday and enthusiastically waiting for the new days of learning and becoming a better person!
Learn from the past, but never regret it because life is not yours to miss!