credit goes to

And I'm hoping for a birthday cake before we leave the house on my birthday (pleaseee, I'm begging for it)
By the way, my school just sent us the details about Immersion Trip Programmes on March 2011, too bad that all ninth graders are not allowed to join any of those trip because most of us are going to have UAN. But so glad that I didn't feel interested when I read the descriptions; even though I really want to visit Bird-Nest Stadium (Beijing Trip), Guildhall (UK Trip), Osaka Castle (Japan trip) and Hollywood blv (US West Coast Trip)
Here are the destinations for the immersioon trip:
- UK
- US
In fact, I was really upset that they are not going to Walt Disney Concert Hall (US Trip), Sydney Opera House (Australia trip) and Buckingham Palace (UK Trip)
Let me tell you places that I am really want to visit:
- France (I envy everyone who went to Paris last March for the immersion program T.T. I wanted to visit every places they visited: Louvre, Versailles, Eiffel, AARRRGGGHHHH!!!!)
- Switzerland
- Germany
- Italy
- Czech Republic
- Austria
- Greece
- Dubai
- Raja Ampat Island
- New York
- Manhattan

This was my third performance with in the orchestra :D
@ Teras Kota, Dec 3rd
I love November 17th and November 18th
1. I ate my first sushi
2. I ate my first cup of Sour Sally
(I usually eat one or two spoon of frozen yogurt)
(I usually eat one or two spoon of frozen yogurt)
3. My father loves my artwork, which I gave to him as his birthday present (YEAY)
4. I got 5 out of 5 in music performing test
5. My art teacher offered me whether can my 'version' of Starry Night be display on the exhibition on the open house (I really over-joyed)
6. I got 100 in Mathematics unit test, and 80 for Additional Mathematics
(note; I often get below 6 in Additional Math. Therefore, this unit test made me relieved, I've improved, and I am motivated to improve more by work harder :])
sorry for the grammer mistakes, I post this quick, I gotta practice for tomorrow Bahasa Indonesia speech performance task T.T
I'm not readyyyyy.
9raders Rock India and Arab Costumes
The Chronicles of Narnia; The Voyage of the Dawn Treader trailer
This movie is going to be my birthday gift
Swimming Test
I have swimming test tomorrow, and I hate the fact that I can't really swim.
How embarrassing is that.
I always wear swimming suit when it is swimming time,
but my PE teacher has never really taught me (he always watching the other students who can swim, he is not even watch me nor give me instruction, not even one minutes), so my friends did.
And that's not enough, I'm looking for a time to practice, but homeworks and tests are coming non-stop.
Sunday? Uh-uh, even though do a practice on Friday and Sunday won't be enough.
There's a swimming course in the sport club, not far from my house, but three times a week, and yet, the course starts from 3;30 pm (p.s; The schools time ends at 3;20 pm. If I include 10 minutes of packing, waiting, arrival at home and eat, it takes almost an hour)
It's my daily after-school routine, it can't be any slower or faster.
I'm asking my parent to make a letter, stated that
"my belove child can not swim, please permit him to take another kind test..."
Parent of -me-
The tests are going to be;
- how we jump to the pool (I don't know the term used for it)
- free style
- chest style.
Well, I can't really swim, at least I can swim from one place to another place (AND NOTE THIS. THE DISTANCE SHOULD BE LESS THAN 2 METERS. I'M DYING ALRIGHT. unless I practice everyday.)
I'd better run four laps than to swim, which is something that I can't do.
Ezra, Kamu Masuk TransTV :')
Ezra, teman sebangku SD sejak kelas 2, audisi buat lomba vocal group di TransTV bareng sama grup vokal asuhan Hetty Koes Endang: La Voice. Ezra (ato Echa, di fotonya ada di paling kanan), suaranya super alto and nge-jazz.
Good news arrived. Dia lolos ke babak voting publik. Mereka nyanyi "Ben" dari Michael Jackson and I was impressed! Suara Echa kedengeran banget and I love it, apalagi dengan harmonisasinya. Miss you, Echa!
What TV shows do you like?
Glee, Supernatural, How I Met Your Mother, Heroes, CSI, um, Nick Baker's Weird Creatures, Mythbusters, Naked Science, every TV shows about science
Glee: Grilled Cheesus - ALL SONGS (Preview) Episode 3
"Papa, Can You Hear Me?" Lea Michel "Rachel Berry"
"Losing My Religion" Cory Monetith "Finn Hudson"
"I Want to Hold Your Hand" Chrid Colfer "Kurt Hummel"
"One of Us" Glee Cast
"I Look to You" Amber Riley "Mercedes Jones"
"Only the Good Die Young" Mark Salling "Noah Puckerman"
"Bridge over Troubled Water"
An Unexpected Guest at the Carphatia House
I really miss Mr. Conor, my CA and my English teacher right now, since he went back to his home in Ireland :(
Today, I just looked at one of the story I wrote, and he gave me a best comment I've ever heard from him :')
The night was cold, made me feel alone to pass this wonderful night's stars in my abandoned tower. Here is just a fireplace with hot embers and pairs of armchairs with table besides it. Suddenly, I saw a young man, wearing black cowboy hat running on the muddy narrow road when I looked down. I busied to watch the ripples on every step he stepped. I didn't realize it, that the bell had rang, means he's here already. I went downstairs into the main door immediately, I tossed my cat, but he was still ringing the bell, non-stop like Cinderella's stepsisters waiting for their breakfast impatiently. I saw him peak through the chinks under the rusty bell but then I opened the door slowly.
His face shocked me! He was young but wearing old-fashioned clothes. He wore a black thick leather coat, shirt with lace sleeve and a strap. He also brought a heavy luggage case with three paddles (for what are those three paddles?)
"Good night, I'm Jonathan Harker. I came here to replace Mr. Hawkins", he greeted me gracefully and shake hand friendly to me.
For once in my life, I met a very nice man, he had the nicest smile I've ever seen in this my miserable life.
I was stupid to replied his angel-like smile with an awkward smile, since he was my first guest after 15 years.
After welcoming him, I guided him tour around the castle altogether take him to his room. He was awe when he starred at a portrait of and old creepy Dutch-man with sharp, blue eyes. He observed everything in the castle, as a crocodile watching its last prey in the night behind the bushes.
"It's almost midnight now, I've prepared a late-night dinner for us. It's okay if you don't want to join. I'll be in the main dining room, don't get lost, I suggest you to eat, because you seem starving after you took a very long journey to here from London" I said in rush. I was a bit annoyed because my peoples are not working in the midnight, while he came here in the midnight. The destiny has forced me to serve and prepare anything for a guest, an unexpected guest actually.
In the dining room, with my biggest brand new elegant antique lamp hung on the highest ceiling in the castle, we had a late-night dinner together. Before I asked him to sit, I knew that he was amazed by two big antique lamp in the dining room. There was actually only one antique lamp, but the mirror on the dining table reflected it.
He was 12 chairs away from my seat, so I had a conversation with a deaf. (I need to speak louder). But we were able to had a nice conversation that night.
"I know how does it feels to be on a train for almost six hours non-stop", I started the conversation.
"Um, well, but it's fine. I saw a worth looking sceneries that I will not be able to see in London during my way here. Anyway, thanks for the chicken soup, Mister ....." , he said hesitantly. "Count Dracula. And it's not a chicken soup; it's a mushrooms and pork. I'm going to my tower to sleep.If you need help, just tell me tomorrow morning. I'm terribly so tired tonight. Have a nice dream, Harker", I replied him in insipid.
As I came to the tower, I saw a white curtain dancing peculiarly while the cool wind blowing up ans whooshing from the opened window. The wind extinguished the fire lit in the fireplace. I closed the window hardly because the wind was so strong. Then I saw Harker standing in front of my door, shivering, I heard his teeth chattering. As soon as possible, I lit on the fire and poured a tea for him. We sat on the armchairs enjoying the lullaby of the rustling firewood and the splattering of water drops on the roof.
"Yes?", he answered.
"I wondered why did you replace Mr. Hawkins?" I asked.
"He's a constant malady sufferer, so he asked me to come here" he replied.
"I see"
We had a really high quality conversation that night. I was amazed by his way of talking and thinking. When I asked him about his home, he explained everything about his homeland, he talked like a poet reading his own poems. He told me about conspiracies and controversies happened in London when I asked him about which party he would vote. He only answered my question with a short answer but he made it long because he is talkative. I only smile.
He stopped talking until he saw my protruding sticking-out teeth. His face turned out into a scared-face.
"Thou hear that howls?" I asked him.
"Yes, sir. Its wolf.' he replied.
"I'm a Dracula. I understand the children of the night's howls means"
"Excuse me?"
"Thou don't have a mind of a hunter. You're just a prey, a fresh meat to every lions"
I slowly bit him when he was like petrified, surprised because I'm a Dracula who's going to bit him, slowly, but sure.
I felt a bit pity to him. He's actually a very nice young man. He wouldn't end like that if he was not came here tonight.
Today, I just looked at one of the story I wrote, and he gave me a best comment I've ever heard from him :')
The night was cold, made me feel alone to pass this wonderful night's stars in my abandoned tower. Here is just a fireplace with hot embers and pairs of armchairs with table besides it. Suddenly, I saw a young man, wearing black cowboy hat running on the muddy narrow road when I looked down. I busied to watch the ripples on every step he stepped. I didn't realize it, that the bell had rang, means he's here already. I went downstairs into the main door immediately, I tossed my cat, but he was still ringing the bell, non-stop like Cinderella's stepsisters waiting for their breakfast impatiently. I saw him peak through the chinks under the rusty bell but then I opened the door slowly.
His face shocked me! He was young but wearing old-fashioned clothes. He wore a black thick leather coat, shirt with lace sleeve and a strap. He also brought a heavy luggage case with three paddles (for what are those three paddles?)
"Good night, I'm Jonathan Harker. I came here to replace Mr. Hawkins", he greeted me gracefully and shake hand friendly to me.
For once in my life, I met a very nice man, he had the nicest smile I've ever seen in this my miserable life.
I was stupid to replied his angel-like smile with an awkward smile, since he was my first guest after 15 years.
After welcoming him, I guided him tour around the castle altogether take him to his room. He was awe when he starred at a portrait of and old creepy Dutch-man with sharp, blue eyes. He observed everything in the castle, as a crocodile watching its last prey in the night behind the bushes.
"It's almost midnight now, I've prepared a late-night dinner for us. It's okay if you don't want to join. I'll be in the main dining room, don't get lost, I suggest you to eat, because you seem starving after you took a very long journey to here from London" I said in rush. I was a bit annoyed because my peoples are not working in the midnight, while he came here in the midnight. The destiny has forced me to serve and prepare anything for a guest, an unexpected guest actually.
In the dining room, with my biggest brand new elegant antique lamp hung on the highest ceiling in the castle, we had a late-night dinner together. Before I asked him to sit, I knew that he was amazed by two big antique lamp in the dining room. There was actually only one antique lamp, but the mirror on the dining table reflected it.
He was 12 chairs away from my seat, so I had a conversation with a deaf. (I need to speak louder). But we were able to had a nice conversation that night.
"I know how does it feels to be on a train for almost six hours non-stop", I started the conversation.
"Um, well, but it's fine. I saw a worth looking sceneries that I will not be able to see in London during my way here. Anyway, thanks for the chicken soup, Mister ....." , he said hesitantly. "Count Dracula. And it's not a chicken soup; it's a mushrooms and pork. I'm going to my tower to sleep.If you need help, just tell me tomorrow morning. I'm terribly so tired tonight. Have a nice dream, Harker", I replied him in insipid.
As I came to the tower, I saw a white curtain dancing peculiarly while the cool wind blowing up ans whooshing from the opened window. The wind extinguished the fire lit in the fireplace. I closed the window hardly because the wind was so strong. Then I saw Harker standing in front of my door, shivering, I heard his teeth chattering. As soon as possible, I lit on the fire and poured a tea for him. We sat on the armchairs enjoying the lullaby of the rustling firewood and the splattering of water drops on the roof.
"Yes?", he answered.
"I wondered why did you replace Mr. Hawkins?" I asked.
"He's a constant malady sufferer, so he asked me to come here" he replied.
"I see"
We had a really high quality conversation that night. I was amazed by his way of talking and thinking. When I asked him about his home, he explained everything about his homeland, he talked like a poet reading his own poems. He told me about conspiracies and controversies happened in London when I asked him about which party he would vote. He only answered my question with a short answer but he made it long because he is talkative. I only smile.
He stopped talking until he saw my protruding sticking-out teeth. His face turned out into a scared-face.
"Thou hear that howls?" I asked him.
"Yes, sir. Its wolf.' he replied.
"I'm a Dracula. I understand the children of the night's howls means"
"Excuse me?"
"Thou don't have a mind of a hunter. You're just a prey, a fresh meat to every lions"
I slowly bit him when he was like petrified, surprised because I'm a Dracula who's going to bit him, slowly, but sure.
I felt a bit pity to him. He's actually a very nice young man. He wouldn't end like that if he was not came here tonight.
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